Kickstarter Campaign Launching September 1st


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What is Blacksheep Collective

Blacksheep Collective is the meeting of people who are considered outcast, outliers, oddballs, weird or otherwise in their social surroundings, culture and/or subculture for better or worse. The vision and purpose of Blacksheep Collective is to encourage you by letting you know that what you are and who you are is not a mistake. You are different on purpose and you should embrace that. You were never meant to fit in. You never were meant to follow the crowd. You have been chosen by the one true and living God and have been fearfully and wonderfully made. We want to encourage you to start walking in your true identity and to stop trying to be like everyone else.

We want to spread the love and compassion of Jesus Christ through various creative mediums and outlets, beginning with but not limited to apparel. We never want to copy or recreate things from others, but use the creativity the Lord gave us to the best of our abilities, to glorify Him and to advance the kingdom of God. It is imperative that we do it all in excellence because he deserves our best.

Our Products

We consider the artwork we produce to be "visual parables". Behind every image is a deeper, complex meaning under what is just seen on the surface. The concepts are always derived from scripture and are put through a creative filter in an attempt to communicate the basic idea or underlying meaning of the text through purely visual means. Everything we create will always do one of two things; express an attribute of Jesus/God/Christianity or will be a visual example of standing out.

Red Bear Tee- Being normal is boring, which is cool with you because you were never meant to be. 1 Pet. 2:9

Red Bear Tee- Being normal is boring, which is cool with you because you were never meant to be. 1 Pet. 2:9

Be The Pineapple Tee - Apples are safe, common, and ordinary. But the pineapple is anything but. In a world full of apples, be the pineapple. Rom. 12:2

Be The Pineapple Tee - Apples are safe, common, and ordinary. But the pineapple is anything but. In a world full of apples, be the pineapple. Rom. 12:2

He Loves Us Tee - More than you will ever know. John 3:16

He Loves Us Tee - More than you will ever know. John 3:16

Blacksheep Logo Tee - For the proud misfit. Rom. 12:2, 1 Pet. 2:9

Blacksheep Logo Tee - For the proud misfit. Rom. 12:2, 1 Pet. 2:9

Why Kickstarter?

"Kickstarter helps artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators find the resources and support they need to make their ideas a reality. To date, tens of thousands of creative projects — big and small — have come to life with the support of the Kickstarter community." -

The purpose of the Kickstarter Campaign is 3 fold :

  1. To gain the funding to become fully stocked online store.
  2. To create awareness for who we are and what we are about. 
  3. To see if others outside of our local support systems can see the value in our mission enough to want to invest in it

September 1 - 30 will be our timeline for meeting our goal of $5,000. Every dime we receive (if fully funded) will go towards getting more merchandise, banners for trade shows and events, some shipping costs, and Kickstarter related fees. You as the investor will play a tremendous role helping us in our mission to show the love of Christ and spread the message and culture of individuality and creativity through our products. And such investments are not without reward.

Based on the your pledge levels, your return on investments include but are not limited to:

  • t-shirts
  • wristbands
  • stickers
  • pins
  • fully customized, illustrated profile pictures for social media (restrictions may apply)
  • fully customized, illustrated 11x17 posters (restrictions may apply)

Also as a part of this Kickstarter, we are rolling out 2 brand new designs that will be available as apart of the base reward tiers. So for any one who was apart of our soft launch back in April can add these to their collection. 

Eternal Life

This design is based on John 10:28-30 which says "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one."

This vine, green and decorated with leaves represents life. And its in the shape of the infinity sign. This is a visual representation of the gift we are given when we choose to follow Jesus.


Going with the scriptures our company is based on, Romans 12:2 and 1 Peter 2:9, here is another "standout" scenario. Here we have 3 schnauzers in tuxedos who don't seem to be too pleased with their pug friend and his attire. I think the pug isn't too bothered by it. 

Thank you

We want to thank everyone who played a part in making our soft launch in April a success. You let us know that there is something truly special about our mission and helped us to understand the urgency in spreading it's message. We pray that through this Kickstarter and your support, our vision and dream can be fully realized and aid us in adding members to the Blacksheep Collective.


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